Fixed the description field formatting in rows so that it contains ellipses at the end if and only if the row represents multiple devices that are not all the same no ellipsis if they are the same.For printed reports, disabled the automatic quantity in parentheses prepended to the description names, since reports typically have a separate column for device quantity if desired.Fix the couple of missing properties from the sort-by selectors and other selectors in the report config dialogs.Added Safety Distance column to positions window and added 'Position Safety Distance' to the script window by reference to make it available in reports, especially for the safety distance report that compares effect safety distances with position safety distance.Added EX Number, UN Number, and CE Number script columns, refering effects table, making them available to reports and labels.Added support for Cobra 36 LED Par Light, which is compatible with EasyDancing fixtures.Added a large section of conditional formatting options to reports for changing the formatting of cells or rows based on user-defined criteria.Added option to turn off zebra striping on reports.Widened menus on report config dialogs.